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Janalee SilveyMay 6, 2016 2:38:04 PM2 min read

3 Tips to Keep Visitors Landed on Your Landing Pages

bigstock-Concentrated-On-Work-83628713-300x200You've gotten past the first step; a person clicked on a link to your website. They're interested! They've moved one step closer to becoming a customer. The link takes them to your landing page. Almost instantly they've evaluated what they've seen and decided whether your landing page, and by relation your whole business, is worthy of their attention. You only have a split second. Do you know how to make it count? Here are 3 tips from Entrepreneur to help keep your visitors engaged on your landing pages.

Create custom landing pages.

Keep in mind that you aren't limited to a single landing page. You can create multiple pages, each customized to a particular type of visitor.

Ideally, a landing page should form a bridge between your traffic referral source -- such as a link in an ad or from social media -- and the rest of your website, providing information that's tailored to the individual visitor's needs. For example, if you run a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign promoting a specific product in your ad and then drop your visitors onto your home page, they may feel discombobulated.

A better approach is to create or identify a specific landing page that will provide the information these visitors are looking for right away. This could be as simple as selecting an existing product-specific landing page on your site or as complex as creating unique landing pages for each of your PPC ad groups. The more granular you go with this approach, the better you can tailor your landing page's information and calls-to-action to individual visitors.

Of course, customized landing pages shouldn't be used only for PPC campaigns. If visitors arrive on your site from guest posts or other identifiable sources, consider creating special landing pages for them as well.

Split-test your landing pages.

Landing page optimization isn't over once you've created custom pages for distinct groups of visitors. To truly improve the performance of your website, consider running split tests on your individual landing pages. Split testing essentially allows you to compare two or more versions of a web page to determine which elements or features are most effective.

Keep in mind that most visitors spend only a few seconds on a new site deciding whether to engage further with the content or to click the "Back" button. So if your landing page is forming the bridge that introduces your new visitors to the rest of your site's content, it's vital that this page be as compelling as possible in getting new visitors to investigate further.

To determine which landing page features are more effective, you can do A/B split testing. You modify small variables on your landing pages and then serve up each variation randomly to visitors in a live environment.

Experiment with video landing pages.

If you aren't seeing the results you want on your plain text landing pages, you might want to try something different: video landing pages.

A video landing page features a single video file instead of blocks of text. Engagement rates tend to be higher with interactive content than with text-based elements, so you may capture visitors' attention better by conveying the same information via video instead of text.

If you're ready to step up your landing page game, the experts at Front Burner Marketing would love to help!
