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Janalee SilveyJun 17, 2016 5:49:26 AM1 min read

9 Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Content Marketing

bigstock-Video-marketing-media-marketi-98872619-300x300Inbound or Content Marketing is an awesome strategy. It flips the traditional marketing model on its head. You generate enough useful content, and your audience finds you. It creates a relationship of trust between your brand and your customers, and that's a beautiful thing. It's not easy to do, but when it's done right, your company will reap the rewards. Joe Pulizzi, content marketing expert, outlines 9 questions content marketers need to ask themselves right now:

1. Are you actually telling a different story? Is your content truly differentiated, or is it just like everyone else’s content?

ACTION ITEM: Perform an audit of your content for each of your target audiences. What’s your mission for each audience? If you delivered content consistently to that audience, can you position your company as the leading expert in that particular topic area?

2. Are you consistent in your delivery channels? Is your newsletter delivered at the same time each week? How about your YouTube videos? What about your blog posts?

ACTION ITEM: Take the next few weeks and outline your current distribution schedule. If you are not consistent, adjust until you are predictably delivering information in every channel.

3. Give more time and attention to your newsletter. Is it truly amazing or is it something your customers consider “salesy” or spam? Of all the subscription options we have with our customers, including all social channels, email is where we have the most control over messaging.

ACTION ITEM: Make some hard decisions with your newsletter. Is it focused on just one audience? Is it truly valuable? Does it contain unique information that your audience can’t get anywhere else?

4. Do you know if your email subscribers behave differently than the other customers in your database?

ACTION ITEM: Start figuring out what the people who engage regularly with your content do differently than those who do not. This could be as easy as overlaying your audience database with your customer database.

Read the other 5 action items here.

If you don't know the first thing about content marketing, call the Inbound experts at Front Burner Marketing and we'll teach you all about it!

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