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Janalee SilveyMar 17, 2017 6:15:35 AM1 min read

{Infographic} Step Up Your Business' Facebook Game

bigstock-Thumbs-up-or-like-symbol-in-co-59266838-300x205Facebook is a special kind of tool for business owners. It allows you to connect with potential customers in a more personal way than traditional marketing. Your business page becomes like anyone else's profile page. If a visitor looks at it and thinks you seem too pushy or serious, they may dismiss you. If, instead, they look at it and get the sense that you could be "friends" and follow you, then you gain the chance to get a new customer. They get the opportunity to interact with your brand as they would with a friend.  So how can you make the most of your initial meeting?

Check out these 13 must-know tips for a successful facebook page from Quill:

If you're looking to expand your marketing reach via social media, but aren't feeling confident about how, contact the marketing experts at Front Burner Marketing. We can create and manage all of your social channels to ensure you get the most out of your marketing dollars.

If you think a LinkedIn profile is a better fit for your business, check out our Visual Guide to the Perfect LinkedIn Page by clicking below.
