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Rebecca VerlezzaJul 24, 2024 10:22:25 AM1 min read

Start Cashing in on E-commerce with Omnichannel Marketing and Feedonomics

E-commerce is booming as consumers seek convenience for making easy purchasing decisions. This trend spans various sectors, from retail fashion to commercial products and parts replacement. According to an article from Forbes, 23% of retail purchases are expected to take place online by 2027, making it a smart move for businesses to amp up their sales. 


Are You Cashing in on E-commerce? 

You may already be trying to tap into the e-commerce market, but the success of your online store depends on one key element. VISIBILITY! You may have the best quality products, but if potential customers can’t find them, they can’t buy them. What’s the solution? Omnichannel marketing. 


What the Heck is Omnichannel Marketing? 

Omnichannel marketing, also known as multichannel marketing, significantly improves product visibility by pushing your products on the right online marketplaces like Google Shopping, Amazon, and eBay. This ensures you reach potential customers where they are already shopping and at the right time in their buyer’s journey. 


Optimizing your product feeds in e-commerce is a must for long-term success. Omnichannel marketing enables organizations to deliver a unified and seamless customer experience that acknowledges previous touchpoints along the customer journey. By enhancing product visibility, you can maximize the potential for increased sales and customer satisfaction. 


Partnering for a Cart Full of Success!

Managing product feeds efficiently can make or break your online store's success. That's where Feedonomics comes in. Feedonomics is a powerful platform that automates and optimizes your product data, ensuring your products are accurately listed across multiple channels. According to a 2023 customer survey, the average Feedonomics customer sees a 16% increase in channel revenue and 14% increase in conversion rates. 

A few key benefits include: 

  • Increased Visibility 
  • Improved Efficiency 
  • Enhanced Accuracy  
  • Better Performance 

Learn more about the power of Feedonomics. 

While Feedonomics offers powerful tools for managing product feeds, partnering with an agency can elevate your e-commerce game even further. Front Burner Marketing is a Feedonomics Omnichannel Certified Partner giving us insider knowledge on the platform and expertise to get you a cart full of success. 


Let Us Show You the Ropes 

Contact us to learn how Front Burner Marketing and Feedonomics can help your business grow by selling more. 

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