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Janalee SilveyMay 19, 2016 5:55:37 AM2 min read

The Beauty of Backlinks (and how to get them without cheating!)

bigstock-Linking-entities-Network-net-121691153-300x200Have you been working hard on generating interesting, keyword-rich content but not seeing the payoff on the SERP? There's more to search engine results than keywords and ample content. The engines need to believe you are worth sharing and that you are a thought leader. You need to put some effort into getting inbound links, or backlinks.

Inbound links are links coming from another site to yours and not all are created equally; quality links from trustworthy sites are the ones you need to amp your efforts. Our friends at Hubspot share with us 33 white hat ways to build your inbound links:

1) Maintain a steady blog with great content.

Consistently creating great blog content that people naturally want to link to is one of the most tried and true ways to organically generate inbound links.

2) Link to other blogs on your blog.

A blog is meant to be a social tool. The more you link to others -- especially when you do it in a consistent, opportunity-driven way -- the greater likelihood one of those bloggers will return the favor.

Plus, you can't cover everything about everything on your blog. It makes sense to leverage the wealth of resources on the web to make your blog's experience better and more rewarding for your readers.

3) Write guest blog posts.

Write a great blog post, and shop it around to blogs where it would be a good fit. If one accepts, they should be willing to give you an inbound link in the post.

Don't know whom to write for? Most media outlets allow people to submit original articles on topics relevant to their readership.

4) Curate and publish helpful resource lists.

Resource lists are both great link bait and helpful content for your readers. If you create a comprehensive resource list, it'll be easy for other bloggers to link to it in their own posts instead of rehashing and curating all that content themselves.

5) Do expert roundups to build relationships.

Expert roundups can be a great tool for building relationships with influencers. While these roundups may not get you a lot of links or leads right away, building relationships with influencers will help you get solid backlinks from authoritative sources down the line.

After they contribute to your roundup, you can reach out to them later to ask about a guest post opportunity or something else -- while thanking them again for contributing to the previous expert roundup.

Read the other 18 here, seriously. This is important stuff.

If you want to know more about the wonderful world of Inbound Marketing, we'd love to tell you all about it. Call the Inbound experts at Front Burner Marketing today! Or, if you want learn to harness the power of Inbound Marketing, download our Inbound Marketing Campaign Checklist!
