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Janalee SilveyJun 23, 2017 11:20:39 AM2 min read

The Latest and Greatest in SEO - LSI Keywords

bigstock-151193705-300x200Keywords are the cornerstone of our content and how people find us. We've talked before about how valuable a strong long-tail keyword strategy can be. But, there's a new breed of keyword in town called Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords. It sounds too confusing already, I know. But it's simpler than it seems. An LSI keyword is a keyword that is commonly related to or paired with another primary keyword that people use to search. They're established based on search data, and if Google is looking for them, then you should be too.

Here the experts at Marketing Profs tell us more:

How Do LSI Keywords Improve Your Rankings?
Search algorithms look over every webpage they can and determine exactly what that page is relevant for. In short, Google is identifying primary keywords and determining the topic of that page.
Moreover, it's only natural that those primary keywords would be surrounded by hyper-relevant, similar, and supporting keywords. Enter LSI keywords: LSI keywords can be used to determine the content and quality of what's on each webpage.
Overall, an optimal amount and use of both primary and secondary LSI keywords on a webpage greatly increase its chances of ranking highly.
But let's take a deeper view into how Latent Semantic Indexing keywords can really help your content (and rankings) shine.
  • LSI keywords protect your website. Finding good LSI keywords is helpful in avoiding penalties for using a primary keyword too much. Search algorithms have gotten much better at picking out keyword-stuffed content, which hurts your rankings. If you're trying to avoid this problem, or to recover from this type of penalty, replacing some of your primary keywords with LSI variations are an easy way to do so. If you think about it, LSI keywords appear naturally in deep and thorough content that answers the searcher's query—which is Google's mission, after all!
  • Target more keywords. More keywords lead to more visits to a page, and more visits lead to more sales. The argument for using LSI keywords here is dead-simple. You can use different LSI keywords to not only make your content unique, convincing, and relevant to your visitors but also reach a larger audience and outrank your competitors. (Longer-tail keywords tend to be less competitive but they signal higher intent, so that is a true win-win here.)
  • Help with paid search. Looking for creative ways to refresh and improve your PPC ads can be a time-consuming and draining process. Keywords are crucial in the limited space advertisements allow, but rephrasing your main keywords is limiting and isn't always enough. Incorporating LSI keywords into your PPC campaigns can do a lot to improve your conversions and give you useful marketing information; LSI keyword iterations can help with quality scores on broad match searches and show more relevant info to assist in conversions.

Read the full article here.

Keeping up with the constantly evolving world of search algorithms can be daunting. The rules of the game are constantly changing and if you aren't up-to-date, you risk getting lost in the endless void of the internet. The crack team at Front Burner Marketing can help. We keep our eyes and ears open for the latest trends and changes to ensure our marketing product stays current.

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