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Janalee SilveyOct 14, 2016 5:46:23 PM1 min read

Does Your Content Make Your Customers Delight-Full?

bigstock-Happy-woman-jumping-on-long-st-85156874-300x200So often we focus our content on bringing in new visitors to our site. There's so many people out there that we can help, and we want as many as we can get! But, are you focusing solely on new client acquisition at the sake of your current customers? You want your customers to feel the love. They are walking, talking marketing for your brand if you treat them right! Here are some tips from the Content Marketing Institute on how to fill them with delight!

Customers want to engage with you

Loyal, happy customers are quick to leave social reviews, post to and comment on your social accounts, and tag your brand in their posts.

In virtually every instance, they want a response from you. On some level, they hope you’ll appreciate their comments enough to engage with them. This can be a great opportunity to leverage content in your responses. Here are some ideas:

  • Share a helpful or relevant article from your blog.
  • Pose a question to extend the conversation.
  • Respond with images or videos even if just for entertainment.
  • Create a short custom video response to stand out from the typical text reply.

Read the rest of these delight-full tips here.

The marketing team at Front Burner Marketing would love to help you find the best ways to make (and keep) your customers happy. We specialize in content marketing that delights all of your visitors. Contact us today to get started!

Want some tips to start generating leads with your content? Download our eBook below!
