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Janalee SilveyApr 15, 2015 1:53:44 PM< 1 min read

Google's Latest Algorithm is Not Going to Sit Well for Many

With the number of mobile searches continuing to climb, (it's up to 50% these days), Google recently announced they are rolling out a new algorithm which will have a significant impact on sites that are not mobile-friendly. With this new algorithm, Google will change the search conditions and ranking for users searching using a mobile device. Sites that are not mobile-friendly, will find the changes feel like a punishment. What they WON'T find anymore, is their company ranked high in search results and some won't even be listed at all.

Many are asking why the change? The answer is simple, it’s Google’s goal to return the highest quality search results possible to all users.  Fortunately, Google is providing a tool to help you determine if your site is mobile-friendly and some help to remedy any problems detected to get your site ready. If yours is a WordPress site, you can contact our affiliate,  A2 Hosting for help getting ready for the update. The roll out is occurring on April 21st, so you will want to get going on this soon.