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Janalee SilveyApr 13, 2015 6:45:53 AM2 min read

Inbound Marketing near Akron: Customer-Centric Approach to Promotion

Dale Carnegie, the best-selling author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, once wisely said that the most successful way to sell an idea is to make people believe that it’s theirs. People are not machines; they have thoughts, feelings, and are free-thinking creations of constant change. Forcing an opinion or product upon them will only result in resistance and indifference.

Social Network

Outbound marketing has, more often than not, treated audiences in this manner. Consumers had no say about whatever is shown on billboards or television commercials, and therefore, had no other source of information to rely on. The dawn of the internet has altered the entire ball game, and innovative companies near Akron offering marketing services now realize that they couldn’t continue depending on old, traditional methods.

Inbound marketing, in contrast to outbound, focuses on earning a person’s attention instead of forcibly intruding and interrupting his/her daily consciousness. With the internet, communication has become a two-way street and people now have a platform where they can freely express their opinion about a company’s services. Inbound marketing takes these views, comments and statistical data into consideration to create a strategy that would increase customer satisfaction.

The whole concept of inbound marketing revolves around letting the customers come to the company instead of the other way around. Marketing professionals do this by producing quality content that attract potential consumers and eventually engage them to become loyal customers. These clients will then serve as the establishment’s promoters, and encourage other colleagues and contacts to do business with the company as well.

Blogs, vlogs, ebooks, keyword optimization and infographics are some of the most effective forms of inbound marketing. These are spread all over social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Good content coupled with social media participation can help in significantly raising people’s awareness of a company’s product, service or cause.

Inbound marketing is a customer-centric approach that benefits both entrepreneurs and consumers. Businesses who are looking to attract clients in a holistic and spontaneous manner can explore inbound marketing around Akron, Cleveland, Twinsburg or Northfield. Inbound marketing services from companies such as Front Burner Marketing, LLC can help create an online strategy that aims to attract the target audience and deeply strengthen a business’ relationships with its clients.

(Source: Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC],