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Janalee SilveySep 9, 2016 5:35:26 PM2 min read

Remember Me! The Top Trade Show Giveaways

bigstock-Remember-me-26490131-300x240Trade Shows are great venues to get you in front of large groups of potential customers. You already know they're interested in your market because they're there. You do your best to create a visually appealing booth to draw them in. Then you get your best people out there proving to your visitors why your company is best. They will walk away with some new information, but how can you help them remember it when everyone else is also giving them info? A giveaway item! It's simple and classic. Give them something useful, that will pop up in their every day life, and make sure it's branded! Here are some suggestions for the most popular 2016 giveaway items from the SalesProBlog:

Breath Mints

On one hand breath mints seem like a good idea because they are great for events where a lot of face to face talking time is done, are easy to pass out, carry around, and allow for some good promotional real estate (front of the box or tin).

On the other hand they have a limited shelf life as a promotional product. Once you run out of mints in the box, the branding potential is gone and in the trash.

Recommendation: Give out no less than two to each person. Tell them one for their pocket and one for their car. This will give your brand a little more shelf life with them. Or you can even offer for them to take more to pass out to their coworkers with bad breath.

USB Car Charger

Car chargers are a great promotional item! Something everyone can use. Most people have iPhones, Android phones, or other electronics that can be charged through a USB charger and could use it while away from the home or office.

The main problem with car chargers is that the logo tends to be on the side which goes into the socket so once it’s plugged in to be used the branding potential disappears.

Recommendation: These will go fast so be sure to control their distribution and use them with targeted prospects. They usually aren’t the cheapest trade show giveaway.


Branded headphones are a cool giveaway you can hand out. The only problem is that the ones that you are likely to have in bulk tend to be of low quality. But they are perfect for the traveling professional who may have forgotten or misplaced their normal headphones during that trip. Or just to keep as a spare pair.

View the rest of their suggestions here.

If you need help finding just the right item that says, 'I'm worth remembering', recruit the Trade Show experts at Front Burner Marketing to help!

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