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Janalee SilveySep 1, 2016 5:33:00 PM1 min read

Content Marketing is Blowing Up - We Can Prove It!

bigstock-explosion-nuclear-bomb-in-ocea-93926240-300x216We love Content Marketing. Seriously, looooove it. It gives us marketers more room to create than ever before. It's not all about paid ads and 7 words and under anymore. It's teaching people about things that you happen to be an expert in. Sharing not just your product or service, but the more invaluable thing — your knowledge! With search engines getting smarter, we don't need to keyword stuff anymore. We can speak in a normal way about topics we know a lot about and the more we share, the better our rankings are. You don't believe us? The Content Marketing Institute can back us up:

1. 200 million people now use ad blockers

Paid advertisements were all the rage in online marketing. Today, however, consumers are increasingly savvy about opting out of the advertising they would rather not see. In August 2015, approximately 200 million people worldwide had installed ad-blocking software.

While it is great news for consumers, it’s terrible news for marketers who rely heavily on paid advertisements to spread their brand’s message.

Luckily, there’s a way to continue marketing efforts without being blocked by the people you’re trying to reach. The secret is content.

In addition to being impervious to ad-blocking software, good content is something consumers want to interact with, which makes it more effective and welcome on a foundational level.

2. Content marketing leaders experience 7.8 times more site traffic than non-leaders

While high-quality content is difficult to pin down, it’s well worth it in the end. According to Neil Patel, people who succeed at becoming leaders in the world of content marketing — people who craft compelling, valuable content that gets to the heart of their readers — experience drastically more site growth than their competitors.

Read the other 8 facts here.

If content marketing is something you're ready to get on board with, then reach out to the experts at Front Burner Marketing today.

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