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Janalee SilveyJan 30, 2018 7:05:44 AM1 min read

A New Year, A New LinkedIn

bigstock-147477005-300x200-1If one of your preferred social platforms is LinkedIn, you've probably noticed a few major changes. The changes were launched to add more value to the 500+ million members that use it. Understanding these changes will help you market via your LinkedIn more effectively.

From a post on Hubspot's marketing blog:

1. A new homepage

Using a combination of human editors and new algorithms, LinkedIn has surfaced more content and fewer status updates. The homepage feed will increasingly suggest organic, sponsored, and native advertising content users might be interested in reading.

In keeping with this business focus, one clear addition to this layout is the "Work" button to the right of your profile picture on the new navigation bar. This is the control center for a user's company page management, making it easier to advertise, find and attract talent, and conveniently equip employees with learning solutions right from LinkedIn.

These are deliberate moves to better connect professionals with the businesses they support and care about.

2. Trending topics

The feed will now also help users follow trending stories … sound familiar? If LinkedIn is trying to make its user base engage more on the platform, further modeling a newsfeed in the style of Facebook is a safe bet.

Read the rest here.

Interested in marketing your business through LinkedIn, or any other social platform, and don't know how to start? Call the social media mavens at Front Burner Marketing. We keep up-to-date on the latest social platform news to ensure we're getting our clients the most value from their marketing spend.

Download our eBook, A Visual Guide to Creating the Perfect LinkedIn Company Page, to get started on your own.
