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Valerie KliskeyFeb 11, 2021 9:19:34 AM2 min read

How to Improve Your Social Media Planning for 2021


If there was ever any doubt about whether your audience was on social media, consider this: social media usage surged throughout 2020, including increased frequency among existing users as well as drawing in new users - and the momentum continues to increase through the start of this year.

“In 2020, over 3.6 billion people were using social media worldwide, a number projected to increase to almost 4.41 billion in 2025.” (Statista)

Now, more than ever, as a business, it’s important to post content that Shares, Educates, or Informs your audience. In addition, entertaining “snackable” content can always be used to share the personality of your company, tuned to the positioning of your brand. As always, it’s important to create an Editorial Content Calendar that helps to keep your messaging coordinated across all your various social media platforms, giving it more impact. If you don’t like the idea of structure though, take heart: having a content calendar prepared in advance doesn’t mean that you can’t still post spur of the moment relatable posts. The calendar provides a much-needed baseline and cadence for scheduled posts to ensure you’re consistently getting your message out to your audience.

How many times have you sat down to write a blog or social media post, but at that moment your mind goes blank? If you sit down and populate a quarter’s worth of posts in advance, you can use those ideas to help focus as you begin to write or create something to share. If you aren’t using a social media content calendar, consider downloading HubSpot’s downloadable template for Excel pictured here:


This template can be used to plan out consistent social media posts, while keeping in mind special events, holidays, and media publications you may already participate within.

  • A Monthly Planning Calendar tab provides a quick snapshot of upcoming topics.
  • A Content Repository tab allows users to record published content to keep better topic rotation and quick recall.
  • A Social Network Update tab allows users to draft and plan posts in advance and helps keep you organized.

Remember to vary your social media content for interest and engagement.

In 2020, HubSpot found that video was the most used marketing content – and the second most engaging content type on social media. We have seen higher engagement rates with our clients who use video marketing as well.


Keep these statistics and tools in mind to help you increase your digital marketing footprint. Staying relevant and using social media to drive prospects to your website or engage with them online will help your company maintain and build relationships with customers, vendors, prospects, partners, and consumers. If you haven’t pivoted to digital marketing, what are you waiting for? Contact us today for a 20-minute Social Media Audit!

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Valerie Kliskey

Inbound Marketer and Trade Show Marketer with a passion to help companies exceed their goals.