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Janalee SilveyDec 1, 2017 1:14:40 PM2 min read

Ranking on Search Is Marathon not a Sprint

bigstock-young-fitness-woman-running-on-95866751-300x266The best way to get your business found is to rank higher than everyone else when someone types in your keywords. Searchers don't want to sift through pages of listings for you, and if you don't show up early, they'll likely give up before they find you. But, even if you follow all Search Engine Optimization best practices, you're not going to see results immediately... or even in a few months. Are you managing your expectations properly?

Manta sheds some light on what to expect:

Many small business owners get frustrated with digital marketing because they have unrealistic expectations about the amount of time it takes to see results. By consistently following recommended search engine optimization (SEO) practices, you, too, can expect to see results—but over time.

James McCarthy, CEO of Placement Labs, reminds small business owners that the amount of time it takes for their business to rank higher on Google depends largely on how much effort they are willing to constantly dedicate to their online presence.

Small businesses first “have to make sure their site is on-point with regard to SEO best practices,” he said. “Also, be sure to create as much unique, engaging content as you can, as often as you can.”

Some small business owners waste too much time on keywords and other SEO tricks—and not enough time creating authentic content to support those keywords. “Rather than focusing all your time on finding keywords, try creating content around those keywords,” said Brandon Schroth, owner of Click First SEO. “This will get your content closer to what users are actually searching for.”

Schroth points out that many factors, such as a site’s technical structure, also impact the time it takes for a small business website to see a spike in search rankings. With all the factors involved, improvements can take anywhere from three months to a full year to register.

It's a tough pill to swallow that your efforts may take up to a year to produce results. But, you have to consider it's a big world online and there's a lot of clutter to sort through. The good news is that applying those SEO best practices will be beneficial in the short term as well because every visitor will benefit from your amazing content and clear messaging.

If you are interested in increasing your rankings through SEO, contact us at Front Burner Marketing today. We have the expertise and tools to get your business found.

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